The Sky Touches Every World – Mixed Media Installation

The Sky Touches Every World – Mixed Media Installation

April 22nd, 2014 by Michele Thebérge

While walking with his aunt one day, a little boy looks up at the sky and says, “The sky touches every single world.”

So profound, yet so simple.

The sky. It seems like ours, so close to this earth, so much a part of our weather, our daily life. But the sky doesn’t end when it reaches the earth’s atmosphere; it continues for billions of light years.

It’s easy to get caught up in our everyday lives. Our own concerns become everything.

Sometimes we forget that we are more than our important work, our pressing daily tasks. We forget that life stretches far, far beyond this. And yet it’s all contained in one moment.

Now is the time to remember that each moment, each mark, each breath is our true home.

the sky touches every world
opening reception May 3, 2014  4:00 – 7:00 pm
view the work by appointment through May 15 by calling 510.654.4907
a.Muse Gallery
416 Alabama Street @18th Street San Francisco, California USA


Unfolding of a Painting Series: Part 1

Unfolding of a Painting Series: Part 1

July 17th, 2013 by Michele Thebérge

Because I am passionate about the absolute necessity of creative process in EVERYONE’S lives (not just artists) and because I’ve noticed it can be so mysterious and misunderstood, I decided to be completely transparent about my own process. I’m taking you into the messy, exhilarating, frustrating and sometimes transcendent work of birthing paintings. You’ll find parallels in the stages and experiences in creating whether you are creating a business, a meal, a book, a scientific experiment, a garden of even a relationship. This is the first in a series. Subscribe if you’d like to be updated when I release a new one. You can peruse my art at:


I have inspiration, motivation & support for fellow artists at :