Two Exhibits in Sakai, Osaka, Japan this October

Two Exhibits in Sakai, Osaka, Japan this October

October 3rd, 2017 by Michele Thebérge
Meeting, acrylic on wood panel, 6″ x 6″

There will be two exhibits in October in Sakai, Japan. I’ll be exhibiting alongside a group of artists from the area at Sakai City Museum and Gallery IROHANI. The sister city exchange I was involved with in 2010 was one of the most satisfying of my career. This wonderful group of artists invited us to visit and exhibit with them and our group of Berkeley and Oakland area artists hosted them the following year. Our friendship continues with this pair of exhibits.





Art Bridge 

October 12 – 16, 2017

Sakai Museum
〒590-0802 大阪府堺市堺区百舌鳥夕雲町2丁
2 Chikugo Tosu-numa
Sakai, Osaka, Japan





October 20-25 , 2017
Gallery Irohani
1-2-29 Kaichohigashi
Sakai, Osaka, Japan